Endorsement & Reflective Supervision

Events & Training


Endorsement & Reflective Supervision

Events & Training


Essential Elements of Reflective Supervision and Consultation: The RIOS Framework (Book)

Feb 10, 2025 | Reflective Supervision / Consultation (RSC)

This guide to the Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS) is a valuable resource for the practice of reflective supervision/consultation (RS/C) in infant and early childhood settings across disciplines. The RIOS is an accessible, research-based, and evidence-informed framework for anyone wanting to deeply understand the reflective content and processes in a reflective session. The RIOS framework is based on the RIOS research tool, which was created to better understand and empirically measure the active ingredients at play in reflective sessions. The easy-to-use RIOS framework identifies areas to explore, as well as ways in which they are considered. In the process, it provides new learning and perspectives about our work, ourselves, and others. The included RIOS Reflection Self-Check tool offers a way to track the development of the reflective work between supervisor and supervisee over time.

Read more about this book and purchase it HERE.