This set of guidelines provides a framework and shared language for reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) that are designed to support reflective practice for home visitors, supervisors and programs. Read and download the Reflective...
Reflective Supervision / Consultation (RSC)
Attachment in Supervision: Using a Relational Lens to Understand Supervisory Dynamics (Article)
This article aims to introduce a relational model of supervision based on attachment theory using the Circle of Security as a model for understanding supervisory dynamics. The article briefly reviews attachment theory and the historical context of clinical supervision...
Reflective Practice in Supervision (Book)
The best teachers are not outside of us – they are inside. Collaborative reflection in supervision can transform our experiences into learning. This practical book details three stances of reflective supervision: noticing what's happening (the Mindful Stance)...
Finding the Words, Finding the Ways: Exploring Reflective Supervision and Facilitation (Book & DVD)
Finding the Words, Finding the Ways, developed by the California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health at the WestEd Center for Prevention and Early Intervention, is designed for professionals responsible for the support, professional development,...
The Power of Group Process: A Guide for Reflective Practice Groups (Book)
The Power of the Group Process: A Guide for Reflective Practice Groups is an essential resource for supervisors overseeing programs that support infants, young children, and families. Whether you are new to supervision or an experienced leader, this guide offers...
Reflective Supervision in Practice: Stories From the Field (Book)
This powerful training resource follows four infant/family programs as they implement reflective supervision, an approach that is characterized by mutual respect, collaboration, and open communication between supervisors and staff. This resource is especially useful...
Reflective Supervision and Leadership in Infant and Early Childhood Programs (Book)
Reflective supervision is hard and it's an even greater challenge when the same supervisor must provide both reflective and administrative supervision. The authors include a unique focus on this blended model of supervision. Reflective Supervision and Leadership in...
A Practical Guide to Reflective Supervision (Book)
This valuable book outlines the key steps in creating a system of reflective supervision within an early childhood program to improve services, support staff, and better meet the needs of children and families. With chapters written by leading experts, this book...
Essential Elements of Reflective Supervision and Consultation: The RIOS Framework (Book)
This guide to the Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS) is a valuable resource for the practice of reflective supervision/consultation (RS/C) in infant and early childhood settings across disciplines. The RIOS is an accessible, research-based, and...
Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision/Consultation (2018)
Published by the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health, this document emphasizes the importance of reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) within the infant and early childhood mental health field. It describes the knowledge, skills, and practices...