Vetted & Endorsed Supervision Providers
Reflective Supervision / Consultation (RSC) is an integral part of obtaining an Endorsement credential. But we recognize that some applicants do not have access to RSC through their employer. In some cases we can assist your supervisor with getting formally “vetted” so that your supervision hours count toward the requirements. (See information related to vetting below.)
To further assist applicants seeking Endorsement, NCIMHA maintains a roster of all vetted and endorsed RSC providers in the state. This roster indicates which providers are open to assisting professionals from outside of their own organization. Use the button below to download a copy of the current roster.
What is an Endorsed Reflective Supervision Provider?
An Endorsed reflective supervision or consultation provider is a professional who has completed all requirements to receive their IECMH Endorsement in a category that qualifies them to provide Reflective Supervision / Consultation to others.
What is a Vetted Reflective Supervision Provider?
Endorsement has only been offered to supervisors in North Carolina since 2022. That means that many well-qualified supervisors simply have not yet had time to complete all of the requirements for Endorsement, which in turns makes it difficult for new applicants to receive their required RSC. The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health (which licenses the Endorsement credential) typically allows state associations like NCIMHA to use a network of “vetted” supervisors for the first 5 years they offer the credential. This allows us time to build out a pool of Endorsed professionals and supervisors who can help grow the association without sacrificing quality of service. NCIMHA will be able to utilize vetting and vetted providers until December 31, 2027.
“Vetted” status is only temporary until the provider has completed their Endorsement process. Vetted providers complete a thorough interview, are given a time limit for which they can remain in vetted status, and must conduct regular check-ins with NCIMHA staff. You can rest assured that anyone listed on our roster is well-qualified to facilitate group or individual RSC.
Can my current or past supervisor become vetted so that my RSC hours count?
In many cases this is possible as long as the supervisor is willing to complete the vetting process and their supervision practices are in alignment with RSC standards. First discuss this with the supervisor. It may be helpful to direct them to this page so that they can review the FAQ for supervision providers. With their permission, use our contact form to submit their information to our Reflective Supervision / Consultation Program Manager.
How do I select an RSC provider?
If you seek Reflective Supervision / Consultation outside of your employer, you need to determine if the RSC provider is a good fit for your needs. Consider the following questions to discuss with a potential provider:
- Does it matter to me if my RSC provider’s professional experience aligns with the type of work I am doing and, if so, does this provider’s professional experience align with mine?
- What identities and experiences do I bring to RSC? Is it important to me for my RSC provider to have a specific identity and experience?
- Does my RSC provider offer RSC in my preferred language?
- What format would I prefer? (Ex. group/individual or virtual/in person)
- What is the cost per session?
- Does my RSC provider have consistent availability that will meet my needs?
Frequently Asked Questions
It is quite normal for both applicants and supervisors to have questions about RSC requirements and the vetting process. We have created printable FAQ documents specific to each of those roles. Use the buttons below to download the applicable FAQ. And remember that you can always contact us with questions.