Guidance for RSC Best Practices
Free downloadable resources
NCIMHA has curated a list of free resources from reputable partners that can be downloaded and printed. These offer guidance on best practices and research you can use to implement Reflective Supervision / Consultation from a variety of perspectives.
Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision / Consultation
This document emphasizes the importance of reflective supervision / consultation (RSC) within the infant and early childhood mental health field. It describes the knowledge, skills, and practices that are critical to ensure that those providing RSC are appropriately trained and qualified. Additionally, it defines the type of RSC that is required for Endorsement®.
Guidelines for Beginning & Maintaining a Reflective Supervision / Consultation Relationship via Distance Technology
This document provides guidance for both the supervisor / consultant and the supervisee regarding best practice when entering into and maintaining an RSC relationship using distance technology.
Reflective Supervision/Consultation: Preventing Burnout, Boosting Effectiveness, and Renewing Purpose for Frontline Workers
Research conducted at CEED at the University of Minnesota gives an overview of the growing practice of RSC.
Digging Deeper: De-Colonizing Our Understanding and Practice of Reflective Supervision/Consultation Through a Racial Equity Lens
Conducted by Indigo Cultural Center, in partnership with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health, this report is the culmination of a long project intended to center the voice of black, indigenous and people of color in RSC experiences. This initial data analysis shares how RSC practices need to be transformed to create spaces that are anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and that offer opportunities to be seen, heard, and valued fully. It marks the beginning of an intentional effort to weave these findings into a new version of the Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision/Consultation expected to be coming soon.